Boy, have we been busy. Phase 1 of our One Room Challenge entry space is officially complete! Woohoo!
Here’s Week 1 and we are on Week 2.
First, we had to rip out the trim, paneling, and drywall surrounding the front door. I have always hated this and it really was so satisfying to have it gone. I really wish the previous windows surrounding the door were still there. It hurts my heart that they were removed at some point, but the rock wall on the other side is pretty dang cool too. You win some and you lose some. So, we are working with what we have as usual. Here’s a reminder of where we started.

We had to build out the wood a bit so that when we did the drywall it could be flush with the door. After we built the interior frame we were able to sheetrock over it. I luckily have a step brother that does drywall for a living and was so kind to help us out. He and Chris, my handsome husband, knocked it out in a couple hours. He cut down the time it would’ve taken us to do it and did a way better job than we could’ve done alone. I’m so grateful for family willing to help us. Being on a time crunch like this, we will take all the help we can get. Below is how it looked before and after they finished.
Then we taped the seems and corners with mesh tape, mudded and sanded until flat. Sounds easy, right? Ugh. I wish! This took at least a week of daily mudding and sanding. Getting it totally flat was brutal. It was necessary though. It has to be flat to be able to hang the Milton & King Crane’s Wallpaper!!!! That is the part I am most excited for. But I am getting ahead of myself… Here are some shots of the mudding and sanding process.
Sanding is done and finally my house isn’t covered in a layer of dust. Why didn’t I hang up some plastic to create a tent? Lesson learned. We primed the wall after and removed the chandelier. It’s now ready for paint and wallpaper! Doesn’t it look so much bigger???

FINALLY, here is the highly anticipated ceiling paint shown below! What do you think? Do you love the black as much as I do!? I’ve been wanting to paint a ceiling a color other than white ever since I found Home Ec Op years ago. She has created the most magical spaces with bold colored ceilings and it’s been such a huge inspiration for me. It was hard for me to find a room since most of our home is more open floor plan. I needed somewhere that was not too big and had enough light. This entry was perfect! We used Tricorn Black in flat by Sherwin Williams and now it matches the black fireplace. They are in the same line of sight when you are on the stairs. I feel like it connects the two spaces. I love that these rooms will flow together now.

We went with Polar Bear White by Behr for the white walls. That brightened up the space and lets the ceiling, and soon the wallpaper, be the focal point. Plus, now it matches the white walls in the rest of the house.
A few other major decisions happened this week. I finalized the tile and stair flooring from Factory Flooring Direct. I’m crossing my fingers that the tile will be in by Friday and the stair flooring in next week. It’s sooo good y’all. I FINALLY picked which colorway for the Crane wallpaper and ordered that! I can’t wait until it arrives so I can show you. The front door hardware and hinges from Emtek were ordered. They are so cool and high tech. We are getting closer!
On the agenda for this week:
- Tile entry
- Prime and paint railing
- Install new Modern House Numbers outside
- Hang exterior lights
- Start the carpet removal process (if there’s time)
- OH and celebrate our 12 year Anniversary
- AND celebrate our youngest’s 5th birthday

Can we get more than 24 hours in the day just this week pretty please? If you haven’t yet, go check out the One Room Challenge blog to see all the Featured Designers and other Guest Participants progress! There is so much inspiration going on. And to follow the process along in real time, my Instagram Stories are the place to be.
Holy smokes! So much progress already!!! Well done!
Well, not near as much progress as a fully moulded dining room, but it’s something. Ha ha
This project is definitely one that I need to get lots done in little time.
Wow, you got a lot done this week! I love the painted ceiling and can’t wait to see it with your new light fixture.
I think the light fixture will totally pop! I can’t wait to hang it! Thank you Sondra!
Whoa!!!! Removing the old trim and placing new drywall made a difference. It looks amazing so far.
Thank you! I am so happy with how much it’s changed already!
It’s already looking so much better!! I love the bold ceiling!
Thank you Bridget!
Love the black ceiling! I’m doing black walls in my room. 🙂 Can’t wait to see that mood board come to life!!
Oooo! I am a sucker for black paint!
I love this! The ceiling color is so moody and perfect!
Have I already mentioned that I love this?! It’s going to be amazing!
Thank you Miranda!
I am obsessed!!!!
Also happy 5th bday little man, my son turns 5 next month, I swear its the best age!
Great ceiling!
It looks so so GOOD, Jenasie!! Love Tricorn black on your ceiling and I am dyyyiiiinnngggg to see that wallpaper up!!
I can’t wait to get it up!! Thanks Amy!!
You have such amazing vision, Jenasie. And your contractor (husband) has got skills! I’m so impressed by you two. And that PAPER. I’m obsessed.
Aaaw thank you Jen! He is pretty dang talented.
I am loving the choice of the Tricorn Black for your ceiling. It’s very sophisticated! Can’t wait to see it completed.
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Pingback: DIY Calacatta Entry Tile | Week 3 | Fall 2020 ORC – Ms Vicious Design
Pingback: DIY Carpet to Wood Stairs | Week 4 | Fall 2020 ORC – Ms Vicious Design
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